Photography for me has always been my way to express my anxieties.

Especially the relation of time with human dimension !

Besides, this is the reason why, the most times I am using Man as my point of focus !

When I started, however, slowly discovering the stones, I realized that the most

powerful model was nature its-self !

"Sculptures" where we can find everywhere on earth, the age of which may be of thousand

or million years, are showing forms of today, of yesterday and of the Unknown.

On these stones I found the portrait of an ancient Greek philosopher, a native of Africa,

even the form of an extraterrestrial being !!!

Is it possible for the history to be written on these stones ? And what about feelings ?

How relative is time anyway ?

How long did it take for them to be shaped ??

One second ? Or even millions of years ?

Perhaps the time needed for a photo to be shoot !!!!

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